Published on August 16, 2006 By Borneo Ranger In Welcome
Borneo, the name has been linked to facinating stories of the head hunters, the world best kept secret, the wonderful primary forest and national parks, the flora and forna, beautiful beaches, rich various ethnic cultures and hosts of unlimited tales of Borneo.

Borned in a small village near Sibu, where rubber plantation and green field of padi were seen almost everywhere, I was brought up in an environment which was clean, unpolluted with fresh and freezy air. Three were no electricty and most houses only litted with kerosine stoves at night. I will never forget the night sky that I would normally lay down and looked up to the sky and try to count the twinkle-twinkle stars. It was such a wonderful scene and you would deeply indulge in the miracle which the creator of the Universal has created.

I have plenty of childhood moments to share and all those years were simply wonderful. I will write more and hope you all enjoy reading.

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